1. 贵州财经大学 信息学院 贵州省大数据统计分析重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025
2. 贵州大学 公共大数据国家重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025
3. 贵安新区科创产业发展有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550025
[ "丁红发(1988—),男,副教授,E-mail:[email protected];" ]
[ "傅培旺(2000—),男,贵州财经大学硕士研究生,E-mail:[email protected];" ]
[ "彭长根(1963—),男,教授,E-mail:[email protected];" ]
[ "龙士工(1965—),男,教授,E-mail:[email protected];" ]
[ "吴宁博(1989—),男,副教授,E-mail:[email protected]。" ]
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丁红发, 傅培旺, 彭长根, 等. 混洗差分隐私保护的度分布直方图发布算法[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2023,50(6):219-236.
丁红发, 傅培旺, 彭长根, 等. 混洗差分隐私保护的度分布直方图发布算法[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2023,50(6):219-236. DOI: 10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.20230207.
At present,the existing histogram publishing algorithms based on centralized or local differential privacy for graph data degree distribution can neither balance the privacy and utility of published data,nor preserve the identity privacy of end users.To solve this problem,a histogram publishing algorithm for degree distribution via shuffled differential privacy(SDP) is proposed under the framework of Encode-Shuffle-Analyze.First,a privacy preserving framework for histogram publishing of degree distribution is designed based on shuffled differential privacy.In this framework,the noisy impact that the encoder brings to distributed users is reduced by employing interactive user grouping,the shuffler and the square wave noise mechanism,while adding noise via local differential privacy.The noisy histogram of degree distribution is reconciled via the maximum likelihood estimation at the analyzer end,thus improving the utility of published data.Second,specific algorithms are proposed for concreting distributed user grouping,adding shuffled differential privacy noise and reconciling the noisy data,respectively.Furthermore,it is proved that these algorithms meet the requirement of(,ε,σ,)-SDP.Experiments and comparisons illustrate that the proposed algorithms can preserve the privacy of distributed users,and that the data utility is improved more than 26% with metrics in terms of ,L,1, distance,H, distance and MSE in comparison with the existing related algorithms.The proposed algorithms also perform with a low overhead and stable data utility,and are suitable for publishing and sharing the histogram of degree distribution for different scales of graph data.
privacy-preserving techniquesgraph structuresshuffled differential privacydegree distribution histogram publishingdata utility
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